






如何设置 & 注册你的业务

9月9日下午3点 - 5:00 pm

This in-depth webinar addresses a multitude of important topics regarding legal entities and other important decisions you will need to make as a business owner. One of the first decisions will include how the company will be structured. 正因为如此, we will cover the basics of regulatory filings that permit new owners to properly set up entities in 加州. Our discussion will cover legal formation for startups, 包括:•有限责任公司, s公司, C-Corporations • DBA’s • Business permits • Resale…


Business 金融 Literacy Series [Session 2 of 3] Using an Excel Document for Financial Modeling and Forecasting

9月10日上午9:00 - 10:00 am

A simple Excel financial model can be created using your company's financial data (historical and/or forecasted). CFOs and financial analysts use Excel models to determine if/when a company will be profitable, 正确的售价是多少, 需要卖出多少“小部件”才能收回成本, 以及有多少钱可以用来支付费用. Financial models are used for start-ups and for on-going analysis to make sure the company is operating at an optimal financial performance. 这个…



9月10日下午5点 - 6:30 pm

Business owners and entrepreneurs must promote their business or products to investors, 顾客或客户. 经常, 这是他们以前从未做过的事情, 而且他们缺乏应对挑战的训练. 为了解决这种情况, this workshop has been built to help you learn much of what you need to know. Topics covered include: • The psychological barriers that could be holding you back and the tools required to overcome them. • Understanding the components of an effective sales…


Business 金融 Literacy Series [Session 3 of 3] How To Analyze Your Company’s Financials For Better Decision-Making

9月12日上午9:00 - 10:00 am

Business owners struggle with business decisions that affect the financial health of the company. 我们卖的价格合适吗? 我们赚钱了吗?? 我们雇得起人吗? Many times, these decisions are made without a thorough understanding of the financial implications.  事实并非如此. There are simple mathematical calculations that can be used to answer key business questions. Performance Measurements are simple mathematical calculations that can be used to monitor sales,…


我公司的最佳法律结构是什么? 税收优惠有哪些?

9月19日上午9:00 - 10:00 am

Many entrepreneurs do not fully understand the differences between a Sole Proprietorship, 有限责任公司和S-Corporation. This causes many to form a corporation when they may be better operating as a sole prop. Additionally, they are confused about the tax differences for each structure. They often choose a legal structure based on a perceived tax advantage that is incorrect. This webinar provides an overview of the various tax structures. The required documentation for the original filing and annual filings. 要求……



9月19日下午1:00 - 3:00 pm

This class will help you take the first steps to become a new business owner or legitimize a side hustle or hobby. In this class we will help you: • Figure out what you don’t know • Define your basic business model • Outline the basic steps of setting up your entity and bank account • Figure out the appropriate licenses, permits and insurances • Understand available funding strategies • Begin to form your basic business plan REGISTER NOW


你应该向顾客收取销售税吗? 你需要知道的.

9月24日上午9:00 - 10:00 am

你应该征收销售税吗? What if you are selling out of state or on an online platform? These are the types of questions many business owners are asking. Addressing sales tax requirements has been even more confusing. On June 21, 2018, The United States Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in South Dakota v. Wayfair that states can mandate that businesses without a physical presence in a state with more than 200 transactions or $100,000州内销售收取和汇款销售…


Digital 市场营销 Strategies For Measurable Results

9月25日上午10:00 - 11:30 am

A comprehensive marketing strategy leverages 社交媒体 to make information more accessible by combining together technology, 内容, and social interaction across many platforms including websites, 博客, 视频分享, 评论网站, 电子邮件营销, 以及活动推广. This session provides an overview of the 9 key areas of social media as defined by David Mitroff, Ph.D. 以他的作品为例. In this program, discover:  How effective are your current social media efforts?  Are you continually researching new market segments?  学会对齐……



9月26日下午1:00 - 3:00 pm

You can’t get there if you don’t know what or where “there” is. This class is intended to assist both startups and expanding or scaling businesses in developing an actionable and measurable plan for the next steps in growing a profitable business. In this class we will actively work on: • Defining your business model • Identifying your place in the market • Identifying your customers and revenue channels • Identifying expansion opportunities • Costing and pricing • Revenue and…
